
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Hunger Games

"May the odds by ever in your favor"
Over the weekend I saw the movie, The Hunger Games. I thought it was amazing. Shockingly, I didnt read the books. Now I am reading the books.
I think the movie is soooo good! You should try seeing it.
I think it was well put together. I have included the trailer below.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Taylor Swift's New CD

I'm sorry I haven't posted recently! 

My friend, just told me, that Taylor Swift's new CD is coming out most likely in October. I am really excited to see what songs shes coming out with. Taylor said the CD was based upon sadness and heartbreak. One song is about "moving on" she says in one interivew. On this CD Taylor says she co-wrote some of the songs. Speak Now she wrote by herself. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

House Of Anubis

Last year around this time a show called House Of Anubis came on. It looked really cheesy. I turned it on one time and watched it. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! It is a mystery so they end the episodes at the best parts. It takes place in Britain at a boarding school. An American girl named Nina Martin played by Nathalia Ramos, gets a scholarship to the school. They all live in Anubis house. The house has many secrets, and mysteries, Nina is involved in them with Fabian. If you have not seen this show yet, I highly recommend you watching it. Monday, January 9th 2012, the second season premiers. All the first season episodes are free on iTunes.

Season 1 Trailer

Season 2 Trailer

Friday, January 6, 2012


I watched the Disney Channel Movie Frienimes recently. I didn't really like it. The movie was split up into like 3 parts. But Zendaya and Bella Thorne's characters were in like all of them. The first part was about a boy and a dog's friendship, the second one about two friends and the third was weird. It was about this girl who met this other girl who looked exactly like her. Overall, I didn't really enjoy it. I thought the movie was kinda cheesy and I wish it was a full movie instead of split into three parts. I don't really recommend watching the movie unless you are baking something and want the TV on in the backround.
And That was Cassie Speaking Now,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy New Year! 2012! A couple posts down, I talked about the end of the world. I thought I needed more videos about the world NOT ending. I found one from a YouTube from Charlie is so cool like, and I found it really funny. I think you should totally watch more of his videos!
And that was Cassie Speaking Now
Here is the video

Monday, December 26, 2011


Yesterday for Christmas I got Taylor Swift's perfume, Wonderstruck. I absolutly LOVE it!
It smells AMAZING!! And no, you cant walk through a mirror when you put it on, like they show in the commercial. Even though you cant, :(, I still love it. It almost smells fruity. I think you should buy it.
And That Was Cassie Speaking Now,

Here is the commercial:

I thought this was pretty funny!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Taylor Swift Song!!!


NEW TAYLOR SWIFT SONG CALLED SAFE & SOUND!! Taylor sings this song for The Hunger Games movie. Recently I downloaded it from iTunes and I haven't stoped listening to it! I am obbsessed with this song! It is much different than other songs by Taylor, especially because this song isn't really about a boy (I think). I really enjoy it, even though its sadder, and softer, and a little scary I think, (like safe and sound from what?) I am really happy about this song coming out. If I had to rate it 1-10 1 being terrible I would rate it 10. I think I will go see the movie in March, BECAUSE of this song!!
<3 ya Taylor!!

And that was Cassie Speaking Now,